paper submission

Prospective authors are invited to submit original technical papers for publication in the WiSPNET 2021. Only PDF files will be accepted for the review process and all submissions must be done through the paper submission link (Easy chair platform). All presented papers will be submitted to IEEE for possible inclusion in IEEE Xplore.

All papers should adhere to the following guidelines;

  • All conference submissions should be written in English with a maximum paper length of five (5) printed pages (10-point font) including figures and tables.
  • LaTeX is the preferred method to prepare you manuscript. Please use the standard LaTeX IEEE conference template: LaTeX IEEE conference templates
  • Alternatively, if you use Microsoft Word, please use the most current version, which will help reduce word-to-pdf conversion issues such as embedded fonts, bookmarks, etc. Also, please use : Word IEEE conference template
  • Please do not include page numbers or headers/footers.
  • Authors who receive final acceptance, after paper revision, register for the Conference attendance.

  • Accepted papers must be presented at the conference (an author could present maximum two papers).

  • The conference chairs will select outstanding papers and will write letters in support of their submission to the journal. The editors in chief of that journal welcome such submissions which, if they are within scope, will then undergo the journal's review process.